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RE: Naked Lungs for Three Tune Tuesday - Week 160 - win 12 HBI

in Music8 months ago

They may not be everyone's cup of tea,

but I like them and I think some of you will too.

Yeah, I agree. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but I think I like these guys. I didn't know them before. But in fact, I suspect I catch their musical proposal quite well. Especially in the song of the first video which for me sounds with a pretty danceable beat.

they are described as "a 4 piece DIY noise outfit from Ireland

Musically speaking, in what genre or musical style would you classify this band? For example, would you classify them as Industrial Rock or Industrial music, as it's best known in the alternative underground circuits?

I ask you this because in fact that song "Why do people change" reminded me a lot of a Venezuelan band of young good friends named "La Muy Bestia Pop" whom I hired on many occasions at the underground parties that I used to organize in my country at the beginning of the 90s and who had a large number of fans and followers.

At the time they were classified within the musical genre of Industrial Rock. At least here in Venezuela. But curiously, they also had a song, a musical hit rotating on MTV for several weeks and there they were also classified as Industrial Rock. I will share a couple of videos of them with you so you can see what I mean.