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RE: Perhaps my best photos of this sunbird.

Nope, I have a stomach bug and the thing does not want to leave me be. I might try and "fast" the thing out, go a couple of days with only water to get the stomach right. Tried medicines and the lot, and it does not want to leave me alone. Now, I have to try some drastic measures! (Drastic is a bit dramatic, as I usually do 18-24 hour fasts, so it is nothing new to me.)


Ouch, a stomach bug is definitely not a holiday, as the two of us also had it a few times now. Nausea, diarrhea, cramps and a lot of other issues. It's a horrible thing and even fasting doesn't help. Plain white toast with a bit of butter and no dairy and only water helps a bit, but one just has to suffer it out. Medazine nausea tablets help for nausea, and the best for stomach cramps is Scopex tablets. Bicarb takes the toxin away.
Hope that you get better soon.

Thank you so much! So true, and yes I found out that even the fasting does not help. Everything that I tried so far has not yielded much success in any form or shape. But slowly getting there. I can still feel the effect of eating something that does not sit right (in the stomach) even after so many weeks being "fine". Even this morning, when I thought everything was fine, I still felt the stomach aches and nausea. But we will see. Maybe I should eat just toast for a while.

Glad that you are making a slow progress in the healing matter, and a strange thing took place. Marian was also riddled with stomach pains, and it got so bad that it even affected her chest. So, I put her onto the pro-biotics that I have to take every day, and voila. All pains are gone !LOLZ

Oh I will remember this. I usually just eat copious amounts of yoghurt and that sometimes helps, but sometimes you need the stronger things like the tablets for a bigger effect with more punch!

I take an Entiro pro-biotic every morning, and it is doing wonders for my stomach. They also use it in the hospitals, and you can buy it over the counter at Clicks. They sell a double pack that is a great saving.
Try it and thank me later.

For sure! I remember always getting them when you go on anti-biotics, but I will get me some when I visit the shops again. Sorry for the late reply, but as I told you I had some interesting turn of events! But I am safe and sound in Pretoria for a while now.

I am glad to see that you arrived safely, and please remember to do some work every now and then up there !LOLZ

I will try my best, but you know how two love birds are! Just kidding, we are both in critical stages of the study phase so we will work hard! We are lucky enough to go to the Kruger a bit over the long weekend, so then we will rest a bit! I hope all is well in the cold-wet Cape!

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