Hihi, would be great to have the whole family sitting on a branch smiling for the photo 😉
Today I've been on a hike on a mountain and on my way back down there have been quite some small birds. They kept distance, but every now and then I got an unsharp photo - almost all photos were crap. But that's not what I wanted to tell you. One of the birds sat down on a rock quite close to me and all you could see was the silhouette of the rock and of the bird - it looked awesome. I focused and hit the shutter button, but right then the camera shut off with the notice "replace the battery!".
This time it wasn't Mother Nature who was teasing me, it was Canon ... maybe I should switch to Nikon - never ever would I do that 😂 !LOLZ
Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉