Coco's favourite thing to do
It's been way too long since I posted to Hive Pets and also way too long since I posted photos of Coco doing her absolute favourite thing ever, yep playing catch out in the back garden. She especially likes it when the grass has just been freshly cut.
Right folks lets get straight into a few action shots.
Is it a bird....
is it a plane....
Nope it's my favourite indestructible toy!! She has eaten and wrecked anybother toy we've bought her, but this bad boy is indestructible!!
And now a few of her happy little face after retrieving it and on the way home.
Look at that little faceen!!!
Now don't worry your little heads all those who know we have two dogs. Loco our little Pug cross is not the running sort, so she was chilling out in the shade when all of this running about was going on and here are a few photos of her in case she ever reads this and feels left out 🐶🐶🐶
And sure why not.... here are a couple of shots of the two little friends chilling out together.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.
Peace Out