@arcange First, I finally figured out that it is not only an automated response when HiveBuzz is mentioning, even though it is in parts. Yeah sometimes I'm a little slow with these things 😂 , so thanks for all the mentions before 😄 .
A good thing with the tour and I finally checked my HiveBuzz and discovered some nice features. Like the Proof of Spray which I will try and the Clean Planet. Unfortunately the CleanPlanet Community is not active @cleanplanet maybe you can partner with Amazing Nature to get more visibility for this topic. Just an idea sorry if I step on somebodies foot with this thought.🙏
@brittandjosie That is a good point indeed. I thought I made an Intro post but I posted it in HivePets with the first tag Introduction. Now I am in my 2nd month (joined Dec31st) and think it might be too late to fulfill the task again. It will just stay as unfulfilled but that's ok.
Now I'm off for more discoveries and maybe I can contribute to a clean planet when being on a walk today .
Happy Valentines Day y'all ❣️