Have you never wanted to walk around proudly wearing one of the badges you received from HiveBuzz to impress your friends or to arouse curiosity? Have you ever wanted to give to your beloved (or yourself) a nice present?
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The HiveBuzz shop is open!
An incredible number of high-quality gifts of all types, sizes and colors are available to satisfy you. You can customize them to your taste and according to your desires. Not 100% happy? Just send it back within 30-days.
We offer multiple payment methods, multiple currencies, and worldwide delivery.
Special launch promo
As you know, Hive was born out of the desire to preserve values that are precious to us. Even today, we must fight to defend these values. The events that have taken place in recent days in the cryptosphere invite us more than ever to affirm how Hive is the truly decentralized alternative we have been waiting for.
Therefore, it is a good opportunity for us to present you with a first related design to apply on your gifts and at the same time to grant you a nice discount.

Note: The 15% discount promo is valid till 2020-06-07 23:59 UTC. Due to the very high demand, the discounts are not applicable to the protective mask (for now).
The shop is open here: https://shop.hivebuzz.me
Support our proposal
HiveBuzz needs your support to continue providing gamification to the Hive blockchain.
Read our support our proposal. Thank you!