EVERY government communication is redacted for classified information, DUH! That does not affect the conversation that was NOT classified where The Ukrainian President brought up this problem and ask for help with it.
This was needed, because our Ambassador Refused to do her job, and pass on the information to the DOJ!
It also amazes me that liberals take as gospel testamony from someone that was not involved, who quoted what he heard from a second individual. It turns out that the second person was NOT on the call either! This is hearsay of hearsay, and ONE level is not considered evidence in any court!
Except maybe the Kangaroo court that Schiff set up, I call BS! When the Senate does their Job, and checks the legal accuracy of the "Crime" under Constitutional Law, it will die the death it deserves....
This will haunt the DNC in next years election! Ironically, if they had not gone nuclear with perjury on Kavanaugh, they would not have lost the Senate seats they need now!
Perjury is becoming less effective as a political tool, as voters understand that they are minions of the Father of all lies; and the only thing they have to offer is lies supported by lies....
When this is shown to be the feces it is, we should Bill the DNC for the $46,000,000.00 they wasted, knowing there was Nothing from the start! They knew they were wasting this money and time, so billing them is fair....