Hi!! I will check it out. First question. On Instagram and FB, I've always followed the mantra... like all love. So I like and respond to every comment. I plan on continuing to responding to all comments, but what about "liking", which I guess in this case is upvoting. Is that something to shy away from?
ha, good question... but the answer could be veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long....
In short, no, liking and upvoting are not the same. On facebook everything is "free" (hm) On steemit when you upvote someone, jou're giving away Steem (a cryptocurrency). So in fact, when upvoting you're giving money to someone.
But hold your horses… it's not that easy of course :-)
When you just start here you are limited in the number of votes you can give and in the so called "RC" RC is the bandwidht at is allocated to you. Every time you post something, or comment, or vote, you're using part of your bandwidh… In fact, I'm not even sure you have enough bandwidth left to answer my comment here :-)
Anyway, just check this free tool here: https://steemworld.org/@grandcommander It's a kind of dashboard for your account. The big number on the upper-left is your vote-weight and value…
In the middle you will also find your RC status. If you can't post or comment or vote, just check that number… it will probably be too low. Just wait a couple of hours until that value is high enough. (regenerating)
The longer you are here, the higher all those numbers will climb… and the higher your gain will be. At least, if enough members upvote your content :)
That's it for now… play a bit with what I explained you and don't hesitate to come back with other questions when all is a bit more clear!
PS: Good song my friend :-)
Hey thank you for the kind word on my song!!
This is all not really confusing... but a lot to take in. Thank you for taking the time to explain it. I'll check out those links, much appreciated!! :)
And it's only the beginning… there is a lot more to learn :-)
Pleasure all mine, always happy to help real content creators because… yep, there is a lot of spam too here...
There is a lot to learn!! Going to take my time and feel my way through it. Thanks for all the help!!
there is a learning curve. but there are also a lot of friendly people willing to help and sites to find out what you need to know. most discords have a help channel and mods who will answer questions or shoot you a link. also, amazingly, google will find answers if you ask the question correctly.
I'm digging day 1. :) I'll check out all the links and feel my way through it. Everyone has been cool so far :)