This is me
I remember a time when there was at least a zillion ideas that ran through my brain begging for attention!
Then life threw me a curve ball that I didn't expect. It took me to a crossroad where I had to make a choice, deal with a medical issue with my husband, or continue my path of creativity and writing.
I took the road of compassionate care of my husband who had been diagnosed with cancer. It turned out that it was a long road around many sharp corners, and through huge pot holes. This is how cancer not only can destroy one life, but also the hopes and future dreams of all the people who surround the afflicted one.
We had been married for 49 ½ years, so there is a clue as to how old I am. During all of my years I have had the wonderful opportunity to experience a deep well of challenges, and have viewed many changes in this world, and fondly like to refer to the many incidents as chapters of “my life”.
Now it is well past time for me to take charge, move forward, and build “new” chapters.
Hence my name “Take 2” it will be like a scene evolving and hopefully getting better with each new “take”.
On the personal side I am the mother of 3, they then went on with perseverance to produce 7 grandchildren who have gifted me with 13 great grandchildren. It amazes me to see what one simple “I love you” can do to the world.
People tell me I am a storyteller, I don't know that I am, but I sure do enjoy telling about the chapters of my life. I write some prose, some poetry and sometimes scare myself with what I actually write.
My intention in blogging here is to share snippets of my life now, and reminisce of the past. Hoping to amuse and bring a smile to the ones who read it (ok there are hard parts in life too).
And just a side note: I am basically electronically illiterate and have no idea what I am doing so am relying on the help of savvy friends, so if things look a bit untechy, (new word created) just laugh and read on.
I wish all a great day, to view with open eyes to all that is wonderful!