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RE: Just For One Day

in #life5 years ago

The land of infinite boobies, a chapter that should have been in The Folk of the Faraway Tree.


It might have been an altogether more entertaining read then!! :0D

It was my favourite book as I child, endless faraway land possibilities and strange cookies to boot!

I quite liked it myself. I recently read it to my daughter and she loved it was well. That Enid Blyton had all the skillz it seems!

no man! I don't want boobies in my favourite childhood series hahahahha!!!! Add it to Noddy rather, he was already banned anyway LOL

How about, 'The Famous Five... Boobies'?

I can accept that. LOL!!!!

Should really be an even number but whatever floats your boat I guess :D

there is always one voyeur... LOL!