I don’t necessarily know if my stuff is interesting but I enjoy writing. Be it about comic books, some new art I obtained, how to cash in on a hot collectible, my family, my dogs, trips, my battles with my own demons.
My blog is kinda all over the place and a mess when I think about it. I just post whatever I feel, but I do put thought and my soul into it which makes me happy.
Of course I’d love what I pop up to perform well but at this point I’m not stressing. Gonna pop up a quick piece in a few about my dogs as something simple just made me happy and I figured I’d share. Not sure if that’s worthy content or not but I’m sure I’ll chat a bit with a fellow pup lover.
Post. Sleep. Then respond to a bunch of comments that I’ve slacked on the past couple days. That’s how the next 10 hours are going to go. Lol
Good question you pose here though as I often look at somethings some folks post here and wonder...
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