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RE: Would You Buy "STEEM" at Current Prices?

in #life6 years ago

No I wouldn't buy at these price levels. My money is better spent on other projects. Buying STEEM is Unfortunately like building on quicksand. You might get away with it for awhile but eventually it turns out to be a bad idea. A person would have to purchase $250,000 worth of STEEM to actually have enough influence to overcome the price decay. I expect the price to potentially go below $0.10 and possibly not recover because it will be well off the first page of CoinMarketCap.

That being said there has always been great development going on here. All the other problems are too much to overcome.

Posted using Partiko Android


Will price recover? Maybe, maybe not. These are all simply opinions, buddy. Yours and mine. Not fact. Simply speculation. Let's see how this all pans out to know for sure. One thing I do know and that is the same talk was doing the rounds back when STEEM was 7 cents. And look how that turned out! :)

That is true.... people felt the same way back then. I just feel like a person better off converting their money to other cryptos. STEEM has slid from #3 on CoinMarketCap to #80. That is really sad. You don't see Doge doing that.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is a massive slide, yes. But apart from the price, we got a lot going on. Much of the top 100 are nowhere near the technical proficiency or community that Steem has. This whole space is built on speculation so I see any other crypto in the same boat really. Plus the fall from grace was due to a number of other factors too, mainly the crazy inflation rate we had. And also anlot of negative sentiment based on news about Steemit.

Now things are looking way better so I can't help but feel positive to some degree. But proof, as always, is in the pudding. Again, all we can do is wait and see.