Hello, I'm taking your grand advice here, and stopping by to say Howdy. I've not been good at keeping up with my friends on Steemit this fall. And if truth be told, others in life nearby as well. So I shall endeavor to persevere (one of my favorite sayings from the late, great Chief Dan George) to try harder from now on. Though it's been a busy busy fall, so this has been a somewhat understandably realistic delinquency of sorts. I had knee surgery, and sitting at a computer much has been not possible until now. I so miss messing about on this site and peepchattin'.
I love your holiday photos, and of course, Christmas trees, one of your and my faves. I really must dig out my silver trees with revolving lights one season soon, for a real blast from the past.
I hope this finds you happy and well and enjoying the holiday season. And have a nice Christmas, if I fall back into verbal delinquency once more before then, which is altogether a possibility larger than very small. Cheers from the NW.