Me personally? I'm pretty split on everything. On one hand, I have been watching this virus unfold like a eagle who found an 8 ball of crack since January. It's been super interesting and fascinating to me watching what happens and how stupidly people have reacted to it spreading. On the other hand I have been getting more and more anxious over the past week at the possibility of me getting the virus, not just because of my own health but because I have immune compromised people in my life. One of whom has COPD and emphysema and is 60 years old. Definitely also worried about looting/thievery in the coming months if we remain on lock down and supplies start to dwindle, as I live in the ghetto in a very easily compromised apartment building.
I fully expect a 2 week national lockdown to happen at any time in the next few days. Though, I'm preparing to see that become 1-3 months considering the spread of the virus. My fiancee is home from work for the next 3 weeks, as they've shut down her agency due to one of her co-workers being exposed to the virus by an attorney who has been infected down at our local court system. At this point we're just getting ready to hunker down for the next few weeks with minimal trips to the grocery store for small things we may need, and the doctors as I sadly need to be seen this week for chronic sinusitis. So, yeah. Definitely feeling very soft and flaccid right now.