This is my friend, I work every day to help my family, many times I feel bad and frustrated. But I try to have positive thoughts, almost all my family is out of Venezuela
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I have seen so many hard working Venezuelian's. Unfortunately I see little on the news of the plight of citizens.
I have a saying that I am not sure where it came from: 'keep on keeping on!"
In the news they spend very little, it is crazy to work a month and earn less than $ 10 but here we go little by little. Living one day at a time
We hear little in USA on Venezuela on the news. I have learned much more of what is going on and the conditions from those of you living it. I believe receiving the news this way is more truthful, because all of you are living through it.
This is how the news is very little, I have several friends in the USA and they know more because of what I say to them because of what happens in the news.