No. If you want to get somewhere, you can't settle with remaining at the bottom and thinking that's okay. Sure, it feels good to get the ball rolling but you're doing it wrong if you're not hungry for more.
I noticed my world here was starting to stagnate, after working for a long time. It should be consistent growth and I realized things beyond my control were holding me back. Yelling at the clouds all day wouldn't solve it and I know that because I tried.
So now, instead of publishing my work in ONE spot, it's now sitting in four places. And of course I'm seeing consistent growth again. Guess what though! It's not enough.
Hopefully down the road there will be a specific home for writers.
And when that happens I'll have my work showing up there as well.
I'm a magazine, these 'tribes' or platforms, those are the magazine racks. If I only exist in one tiny gas station on the outskirts of town called Steemit, then I can't expect to be read much. Look at that bright cover up there. The wording is all wrong. Ever notice how shiny things catch your eye? Ever notice how easy it is to catch a typo? That kind of thing probably wouldn't work anywhere else other than a place where your success depends on standing out from the crowd. Many people want to blend in. I don't.
If I gained traction elsewhere, I'd have my work here, and there. Steemit: It's just a publishing tool. I drop my links everywhere else I can to get more outside views coming in. I know those eyes can't pay me, but maybe they will sign up someday and drop a few votes my way. I lose nothing for trying.
Why you gotta make me ramble?