Yeah, it's difficult to leave this place, for some. Even some of the people who hate it stick around for years just so they can tell everyone how much they hate being here. That's always funny.
Just do what you need to do. A lot of the folks I see who pay attention to your work will most likely be around when you're around. I've been through a lull here before; these quiet times. Usually all that remains are the good folks who give a shit. Then things pick up, and hopefully this time around everyone learned their lesson and the charlatans won't have a chance to ruin the place, again. I love rubbing that in.
I have other things in life that I do. I'm really good at not sleeping. If this entity ever has to stop, here, it won't be the end of the world for me. I spent years creating value. Hundreds of image files, ready for the printer and distribution. Something for everyone. Figured out a way to get paid for production time. I don't really want to go back to the old ways. I enjoy busking on the streets of this blockchain. Gathered a lot of these tokens. I won't need to depend on my blog to make money, once all those smart people pull their heads out of their asses and begin to find ways to turn this economy around. I've offered my assistance there as well, trying to show people the value in the paying content consumer. And that's another reason why I write a post talking about how I prefer the online magazine style article over the amateur social media shit post style. I see something big here. Others can only see their little blogs and a few pennies. I'm rambling.