Steem was starting to suck. I didn't even feel comfortable posting in a community because I saw people groaning about how anyone who does is just chasing votes and sucking up.
My on-boarding attempts were mostly fails. I was shooting high though, contacting some established talent. It usually boils down to not having time to create exclusives. Most folks don't want to double dip and they can't halt their usual stream of content to create a PSA asking followers to move over to a new platform, as that might hurt their current space where they're enjoying success.
I was talking more about motivational posts. I encouraged a lot of folks to stick around. Now if I did that I think I'd look foolish.
I see STEEM is pumping now. That'll mess with a few minds. I'll get to watch folks who were all in on Hive suddenly shift gears. It's never about the money it's the community LOL!
Today I looked around and did the opposite of what everyone else was doing, with this post. I'll try posting some actual content and if its ignored and the brownnosing cheerleader type posts get all the play, I'll know it'll be like that forever. I don't want to see that happen. Wasted potential. Rambling.
I didn't actually mean to upvote that high LOL! I haven't set the default comment vote weight and forgot to slide it over... LOL! I bet you felt special.