I ❤️ Quincy Market!!!! I have many fond memories from my teens, taking the T into Boston from Manchester, MA and hanging out there for the day with friends! If only I'd thought to have my camera (my original 35mm Nikon) with me back then! I couldn't do one helluva Market Friday!
Ah well - Should'a Could'a Would'a, right? 😂
Love the little historical trivia too. Oh, and I'm ridiculously pleased with myself that I figured out the brain teaser. Adore all your shots, but I have to say that capture of the dome is especially fantabulous!
Thanks for this wonderfully nostalgic (for me) Market Friday.
Oh, and guess what?
Yep, you guessed it!
My first Market Friday - Shopping at Lowes
So happy I finally remembered to bring my camera whilst shopping so I could join in the fun! Oh, and - !tip