Ps- my personal testimony with mind/body work. I was getting hives (they itched like a mofo). I had bad reactions to rice, garlic, caffeine, sugar, bread and a few other things. I had digestive issues, gas, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, acid reflux. I had muscle cramps, sore joints, chronic fatigue. They are all gone now after doing mind/body work!!! I still have my main issue i am working on but it is greatly improved and i am doing things i thought would no longer be possible. Certain personality types are especially prone to develop TMS symptoms but in reality everyone has it. If youve ever blushed before you have TMS. Just sharing my 2cents and again sending healing vibes 🙌🏿.
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Thanks Homie. Again im not saying not to go the normal medical route. And definitely check if there are any underlying causes. But if they keep coming up empty handed i highly recommend the mind/body approach.
Maybe it’s because my mother was a nurse. Maybe it’s because I was in a strong Union until I retired after 22 years of service that provided top shelf medical coverage the whole time. Maybe it’s because I’ve never involved myself in social media before Steemit.
But I know it’s BS that I’ve never had access to that link until now. Had I known we would receive all of this knowledge for free from a bunch of people we’ve never met, I would’ve posted that article a year ago. Thank you, Jon. 👍🏿