@dandays my Godmother was using all those tools, including Pendulums, to predict many things in life. I was very conservative, skeptic and for many years couldn't get it working.
However, some time ago I finally managed to overcome myself and learned to work with it. It was easier that I thought. I didn't get the information I wanted, but instead the information I was ready to accept and probably really need.
So, do not expect to get the answers you think you need. There is a big difference between the Mind that thinks of various disasters and Subconscious Mind or whatever it is, that knows everything. It is as simple and stupid as genius and smart.
Probably you already have many things in your head. Put them down on paper and make a simple questions with dumb answers like yes and no. And those questions should be as simple as asking a 3 year old kid. Many times you will need to rephrase or ask the different way to get the answer.
I think that you will not get the answers you wish right now to get, but you can clear out the wrong ones, narrow the problem and get some insights of where, what and how to do.