After the Earthlings started their space exploration, they've finally found their first inhabitable planet - Delta!
Since it's the first ever planet human being discovered - they gave it the serial number: 1001
At the beginning, it's rather challenging to live on the surface of Delta, due to her unbearable high temperature and unpredictable asteroid's crashing frequently.
The pioneers spent endless of their time (even life) on building up more advanced technology, including:
The highly modified "Space glass", which can reflect almost 99% of the heat and energy to outer space;
The specially formulated "Space bricks and walls", which can withstand the corrosive of strong wind and the deep impact of asteroids;
The latest yet high end "Space vehicles", which can travel in light speed and bringing other civilizations closer.
After the Delta being discovered, there were more and more new planets being found in the exploration later days...
Now, let's check about Delta-clan latest updates:
As you see, the current meta skill is 75, which is rather low, but we're slowly catching here...
Shipyard's skill is already level 7, just another 6 levels upgrading, before we can craft our first explorer!
All the mines were level 10, while the depots were level 5 (We will try to upgrade all the mines to level 13-15 and depots to at least level 10 soon)
Explorer skills is incredibly low, as it's only level 2 right now (a long winding journey to level 20...)
Last but not least, we just wanna give @scriptioner a huge shout out, for making this incredible ""
PS: He's also create a project in Fundition,!/@scriptioner/uhh13sbh1 Just go and give him a support there!!!
Delta Clan - The Universe is a Wonderland~