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RE: If you find spam on PALnet...

in #palnet6 years ago

Since I was heading up the old Anti-Abuse Team, and still acting in somewhat that capacity, I might be doing something along those lines.

Gonna discuss it with the team.


Good to hear, I really out to drop by the Minnow Discord at some point, problem is work and time.

Great Steem name you've got btw.

The server has actually always been called PAL, it's just been home mostly to the Minnow Support Project until recently. We'd love to have you drop in and chat. It honestly is one of the best parts of the PAL community and why we are still here.

Thanks, I have had the name in various forms since probably 2005-2006 when I took inspiration from a fellow forum moderator for EVE Online's official forums. Eris Discordia. It wasn't until recently that I found out about the concepts behind it. I just thought it sounded cool.

I really should, this PAL initiative really is one of the best things on Steem.

See you in there some time. I'll need to keep myself posted about anti-abuse co-ordination - SFG is also one of my favourite things on Steem!