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RE: The lungs of the world are burning *you should read this*

in #palnet6 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. We need to get rid of these corrupt leaders who are leading us down this path of destruction. We need to free ourselves and live in a healthy way together. We need to give the land back to the Indigenous Nations and listen to what we have to SAY, our wise Elders.

We can't follow this system anymore. We can't rely on fossil fuels. We have to instill good values in our people and raise healthy children. We need to connect with each other and scale down. Grow our own food. Simplify our lives.

Focus on meaningful things and love ourselves. Don't search for happiness outside ourselves and find happiness inside.

Love each other and our Earth and respect all living and non-living things.

Do away with banks, oil and consumerism. Listen to the Indigenous Nations, who have been here for thousands of years, live as we did in the past.

Don't say we don't have the money to heal our Earth. Money is an idea that we have been instilled to accept. We can do anything we put our minds and hearts into.

Follow your heart and pray. DOn't be a followers and do as you're told. Ask questions and speak up.

Eat healthy food and don't get vaccinated. Don't brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

This System has to GO NOW! IT is for backward ignorant uncivilized sheep.
These are some of my suggestions. Thanks again :) Re-esteemed.