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RE: The Miracle Kitten (Follow up)

in #partiko6 years ago

9 wheeler during that high speed u turn. Lol. Yes 18. Almost as big of a miracle as the kitten not being hit was the wide spot in the middle of nowhereville.

Photo of my truck 13 yrs ago. It was Penske Racing Hauler. I have the build sheet documents.

Posted using Partiko Android


Nice looking rig... Plenty of room for the crew :-) Must take a special cat to handle being on the road :-)

They are survivors. They can adapt.

This mornings bottle feeding went a little better. Warmed milk in microwave. Little guy seemed to take it better.

Posted using Partiko Android

He looks about a month old. This was Dexter at bout 4 weeks....


The Mama cat may have started bring them kill food already.

See if he will lap off a saucer with a little soaked cat food.

Yes, you nailed it. I said 4-5, my wife is better with kittens, she said 3-4 too.

Eyes just opening, very shaky, tried saucer. It is still in carrier. Will try gravey wet food mash each day. Sammi was about a week further along.

So i am right to force the milk slightly right?

He needs the energy to pull thru this trauma / stress. I think he took a hard shot to thr head. Lump is gone. Still scab there. Looks to be clean healing.

We luv us some Dexter kitten photos. I took a bunch of SamSam. Wish i had taken more.

Posted using Partiko Android

Never have enough good photos. I was using an eye dropper to feed baby Dexter. We just couldn't get the nack with the bottle. Down the road mix some dry food in the milk solution, so it's all liquid.

Gook luck ....

Thanx Man or Ville Mike.

It is Messy, i Remember Sam gobbling it up. But then She went thru Hell with the Grub in her tummy being cut out. And was couple weeks further along.

I think the warming and He is gettin hungry enough now. I just don't want him getting weak from hunger.

I am 2 hours from home. So wife is driving up 2 nite to evaluate the Kitten. She is a great cat keeper.

Posted using Partiko Android

You guys make a great team :-)

As always from one Cat Daddy 2 another, THANX 😼@manorvillemike

Posted using Partiko Android

He looks about a month old. This was Dexter at bout 4 weeks....


The Mama cat may have started bring them kill food already.

See if he will lap off a saucer with a little soaked cat food.