It is a terrible thing because they are believing in bad science. The best scientists in the world laugh at them and the way they conduct their research and falsify the data.
It's the biggest con game and hoax in the world and has nothing to do with climate. It has everything to do with control and gaining wealth.
They've proven that the spraying does nothing to change the climate, it doesn't work but it does make people sick which is what the globalist want. NASA even came out with a report explaining how wonderful the increased C02 levels were for the planet and how much better vegetation all over the world is doing(bewcause plants thrive on C02) which in turn helps the whole planet because the plants produce more oxygen. lol.
One of our steemians on here, the brilliant smithlabs, does many posts about how idiotic and ignorant the climate change movement is and he presents the actual, real science and data exposes what the power and money grab is all about.