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RE: Poll: Flags or Downvotes?

in #poll6 years ago

I get why you might say that's fucked up. I'm not too bothered by it personally since I'd assume there's no or minimal kids on here, and the posts are generally hidden with a nsfw tag so people don't have to see them if they don't want to, but it is also just I guess a little odd as it kind of feels like it is similar to if a website like YouTube had all the Pornhub and Redtube (and whatever other ones there are) videos just mixed in with all the other videos. This is better than that would be because it has tags that posts stay within - I could just imagine porn on the trending page of YouTube (don't think that would go down too well) - but websites which have everything including stuff like porn can be odd sometimes.

I write fiction which sometimes includes stuff to do with sex etc (not erotica but just the same as a TV show, novels of a different genre or a movie might include sex in the plot etc) so I've used "sex" as a tag before and searching that tag to see what was there was how I've found the porn. It's not my thing, but it doesn't bother me personally either. It is odd when you come from / are used to other websites though that don't include stuff like that though.

Not the only place I've stumbled across it though. I made a GTA V video that included the King of the Castle challenge / mini-game thing and I used the hashtag #dirtyrascals on twitter. I clicked it and posts advertised a gay porn series called Dirty Rascals popped up. I find twitter seems to allow more stuff than Facebook at least but I don't know where their limits are. Twitter seems more likely to interfere with people because of user reports than because of the content I think. They do hide things with a warning it may contain offensive content, but they do a terrible job of it and overdo it so that it's impossible to know if what you un-hide is disturbing or offensive or not. It once hid someone posting the utorrent logo from me. That's nothing and didn't need to be hidden. I have shown / un-hidden and looked at things that were hidden that I would have preferred not to because of this.

As long as kids don't stumble across it, the porn doesn't bother me too much though. Power to the people who enjoy it, I guess. I can get why it might bother others though.

I'm having a little trouble taking this seriously though right now, as idk if you've seen The Orville or not but there was simulated porn (on a holodeck, so like VR but if it just was in that room as opposed to needing a headset or anything) in an episode of that, and all I can think of is that.