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RE: Poll: Flags or Downvotes?

in #poll6 years ago (edited)

To be honest I am not even sure why this is a poll. You guys should just fix it. Clearly it is a "yes". Having upvotes and downvotes would be much more congruent with how just about every other social site works, don't even ask, just fix it. A flag is something else entirely. Why is it that everything takes months on here? Literally...


Other sites down votes aren't punitive, they don't subtract anything other than someone's pride. If down votes are used to take away rewards of up votes it just opens up the platform for someone with more power and his followers to gang up on you and take away your rewards....and it still leaves open the window for them to stalk, harass and remove rewards on other comments/post you make

That is pretty much how this site works, yes. It is stake weighted, so those with the most stake are king.

Yes it's the way this site works but it's also what's killing it. Doesn't matter someone has more stake in the platform, outside of someone abusing the platform those with more stake shouldn't be allowed to flag/take away rewards of someones just because they oppose their opinion.

How should it work then?

I am not technology minded so I don't know what can or can't be set up. To take away the punitive fear factor to get the best possible participation to occur as far as having the most eyes out there surveillance for abuse is key. Everyone running around with a wild, wild, west policing system where my gun is bigger than yours just isn't working for this platform. I think one of the best suggestions I seen on this thread came from someone who made a drop down bar where people clicked on the reason they were flagging the thread. A system like that would work out quite well and put everyone on level footing and take the fear factor out. Of course that would entail setting up a team of experts willing to deal with the flags and determine what the outcome should be. Who flagged the post and who sits on the panel of experts should stay anonymous to the general public, that way you don't have someone with more sp taking out revenge on someone for flagging with less sp or whales/witnesses/appointees setting on the panel splitting hairs with whales who (and I am just being honest here not judgmental, it's not my platform) also abuse the platform. You could have a resolution channel on Discord set up to discuss any concerns towards actions taken with those interacting from the panel only be addressed as resolution specialist #1, #2, #3, etc., for those who want to discuss the action in private. That seems like a fair and equitable way for the platform to flourish in regards to participation not in the sense of catching abuse but increasing the level of participation on the site and in the comments, who knows maybe we will would then actually see this site have articles that produce in time real conversations whether than operate like a email system where I send you a comment then you send me one back maybe hours, days later.