Hey dear, I don’t work for corporate and have put in more hours here (with no pay) then I can count to help this place.
I know when someone doesn’t agree with you, the easiest thing to do is say there must be a conspiracy or that they somehow are benefiting from the issues.. or just trying to cover them up. Which is absurd, and therefore comical.
You just are short sighted and don’t understand blockchain or even what censorship is. So, I’ll go back to what I said... there is a purpose for downvotes.. if you don’t get that, maybe you should go research to find out why.
Otherwise you are just trying to sink the ship by thinking everyone should be rewarded all this “free” money all the time, no matter if the community likes the content or not.. and no mechanism to counter it, which means you also don’t understand economics.
So I’ll leave it at that. Because based on your excessive and uneducated comments all over this post, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Have a good one.