If your are going to change the culture then down votes can't be punitive. It's as plain and simple as that. Nothing changes without freedom of speech, the ship will continue to sink if down votes can be used like flagging.
Freedom of speech is alive and well.. you seem to not have a full understanding of how blockchains work or why downvotes are needed in a reward society.
Sure they are abused, which is unfortunate .. but they are needed.
The way it's set up now does't work out well so that argument fails you. Come back when you have an excuse that will actually work.
You are the one over there at corporate, you are the one going down with the ship, you don't see me baling water. Narcissism seems to run deep in the current over there, it's been the fact you'd rather paint the color of the ship then put any positive regard into what people are saying as to why this site is losing momentum.
Hey dear, I don’t work for corporate and have put in more hours here (with no pay) then I can count to help this place.
I know when someone doesn’t agree with you, the easiest thing to do is say there must be a conspiracy or that they somehow are benefiting from the issues.. or just trying to cover them up. Which is absurd, and therefore comical.
You just are short sighted and don’t understand blockchain or even what censorship is. So, I’ll go back to what I said... there is a purpose for downvotes.. if you don’t get that, maybe you should go research to find out why.
Otherwise you are just trying to sink the ship by thinking everyone should be rewarded all this “free” money all the time, no matter if the community likes the content or not.. and no mechanism to counter it, which means you also don’t understand economics.
So I’ll leave it at that. Because based on your excessive and uneducated comments all over this post, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Have a good one.
First off I based the "you being corporate" off that first voting proposal stuff they did where it stated you had been brought in to work with corporate. Secondly, and it's been pointed out, again back then, you just happen to pop out of the blue somewhere and had one thing posted to your blog so I am taking it you have no blogging experience and wouldn't know what makes a successful blogging platform it it hit you in the face. I've been blogging for four, five years now and have served as moderator on some of the top news sites for one major platform. I am sorry I have to point out to you that this site sucks...it doesn't suck for lack of good content, excellent commentary, opinion pieces it sucks because people fear speaking their minds on a subject without getting flagged. I am fully aware when it comes to money there has to be a way to control those who'd cheat but controlling those who would cheat and free speech are two different things. Not only can they get mad and flag you on their post but they can run over and flag everything unrelated to it...and that's why people walk around on here saying in various ways: nice post, I agree with you, excellent write up, it mundane and boring.
If you want to get to the crust of it, I am just being honest, but people with high sp and reputations flag people who do the exact same thing they do, they post a meme and make money off it but someone with low sp tries that and it's flag city, so you can't say it's not a two faced system that benefits one group over another and you don't expect those people to feel offended? You can't run a site where there's one set of rules for one group and another set of rules for another, it's never going to end up well.
Overall I see this as just a ploy that will enable more eyes to help fight the supposed abuse of a meme poster while those same low sp people won't dare downvote a high sp holder for doing the same. Nothing of real essence is going to change.
Believe me the first time I take the time to read a post, maybe even have to put some research into it, write a comment, if someone(s) up vote it then someone comes along and downvotes my rewards away I'll be leaving at that point, I can go blog for free on quite a few sites.
One last thing, I really don't believe you just came out of nowhere and jumped on the bandwagon, there's just no convincing me that even happened.
What reasons do you believe they are needed for?
I agree they are needed but only for downvoting stolen content, abusive behaviour to others on the platform and misinformation that could be harmful if people were to believe it.
I downvoted someone who stole my content on here, but I think that's it. I may have done the other two but I don't remember by now.
I don't believe in flagging people due to disagreement etc, but the reasons given above are reasons to downvote / flag. I'm not sure if we will agree on the reasons you feel it is needed or not, since I don't yet know what those reasons are.
Ganging up on someone and downvoting their every post and not giving them a chance to redeem themselves in your eyes for whatever pissed you off though is a shitty thing that people do on here though and I 100% disagree with that. Each post should be an individual post and someone's time on here shouldn't be completely ruined because of a mistake they made. That's shit.