Hello everyone,
I didn't quite expect this to be finished in the same week, as this project has been ongoing for over 3 months at this point.
Big props to @steemitqa for being there to ping ideas between and also being a verbal punching bag when stuff wasn't working (I hope it didn't feel like that as I wasn't mad at you lol) so big thanks man, as he wanted something like this for a while.
Well, you might be surprised to hear this isn't a tribe/frontend, it's actually a service which developers can use to post to the chain without having to maintain their own pool of accounts and SP. I also know that the current STEEM posting methods are kind of unintuitive and a bit painful to implement, so I've made this as simple as I can think of, as a developer myself.
I've made it all into a single transaction, with many choices of payouts, which you won't need to do much setup with, but I'll go on to talk about that in a minuite.
So really, I think STEEM is missing a big opportunity to try-before-you-buy. Now obviously, a user can't collect their rewards without an account, but I'm thinking that's something dApps could offer, use this to collect a 3 STEEM signup fee (or whatever) and then send the rest into their wallet to keep.
Ok, let's get into this.
For Eager Devs
For the full scoop
So, I've explained why I made it, so lets get into the use of it.
It's what you're all wondering, I know! The fees are currently 10% for Anonymous (no app linked) and 5% for PRO (APP Steem Account linked) - This is to encourage responsibility. With pro, the app name and a user's given name (provided by the app) will appear at the bottom of the post, whereas with anon it will only state it was posted through our API anonymously. Obviously, it's not truly anonymous as that'd be a massive risk, so we do log IP addresses and other data, as stated in our (as short as possible) ToS below.
Don't be fooled, PRO accounts don't cost money, just a linked STEEM account, to show you care about quality and would put your name to it!
- You'll want to read the ToS first.
- If you want a pro account, you'll want to visit the web portal (see the documentation for instructions: here) to obtain a key (they are free)!
- You'll want to get a code sample or documentation from our documentation
Request as below
POST https://api.steem.tools/post
Details:{ "body": "Content of your post....", "category": "first-tag", "title": "Title of the Post", "metadata": {"anything": "that is metadata"}, "payout": "likwid", "beneficiaries": {"cadawg": 10000}, "permlink": "not-the-final-permlink", "tags": ["first-tag", "second-tag", "third-tag", "fourth-tag", "fifth-tag", "sixth-tag"], "app": "GuestPosting", "community": "GuestPosting/v0.0.1", "user": "User Identifier (PRO Only)", "key": "Your Key Here (PRO Only)" }
- You'll also probably want to take notice of our wide selection of Payout options:
- 5050: Default Payout (50% STEEM & SBD, 50% SP)
- powerup: 100% Powerup
- likwid: Use likwid (1.5% fee) to recieve 100% liquid payout (100% STEEM/SBD)
- decline: Decline Curation Rewards, Send your share to null
- donate: 100% to our service as 5050
- null: Allow curation rewards, your share of post rewards to null
- steem.dao: Allow curation rewards, your share of post rewards to steem.dao
As a developer, I'm sure the documentation is a better way to go for this, for users, you're already on the chain so you won't need this. Lets get onboarding started!!!!
Yeah there is no UI at the moment, so don't complain that you can't use it! =)
Also, I should mention there are separate pools:
Also, this is costing me 900 SP in delegation so support me LOL. I was so sad to see my vote go from 0.079 to 0.069 😭