What means that your #blogs are spamming?
As an artist, you are not composing and posting daily, new songs.
For instance, sometimes not even after years of playing some of your compositions, maybe just some your fellow musicians, or your audience will accept to re-listen your songs.
Therefore, you cannot call a #video or a composition of yours, when you are posting it from time to time, a sort of spamming :)
When you've posted once or for the first time your song, and actually just a few people clicked on your video ... that's not spamming ... if you'll re-post that song more and more ...
I would like to see altruistic people, who would not accept just to consume the music from their radios on their way back home from their job, and having just just the excuse that if it's on the radio or tv, it means that's something important and more valuable than your #art ...
We know that there are many brilliant artists that are re-posting their own creations, and it looks like the algorithm plays funky against themselves ... and you'll ask yourself ... why? :)
When you've presented your albums on your concerts, no one cared about it :)
When the internet appeared and links like those on #spotify or #audius appeared ... and everything became as so many wished to become ... at the distance of on e click ... it seemed like the ignorance became bigger ...
No, define me the idea of spamming in a crazy world where everyone, especially the so called consumer of #art or #music it's been bombarded everyday with everything, from which, if we would quantify it in percentage, not everything it's pure art or fresh music, #created live in concerts and so on ...
Think twice ...
Meanwhile, enjoy some of our #videos :)
Hopefully, there are still some steemians on this planet?
Maybe you will enjoy some cool #lego #wookiees videos as well :)
I know it sounds weird but we the jedis, are having fun also creating with #lego