一、點讚代表同意某篇文章的觀點,也提高一篇文章、留言的能見度。除了能得到策展者獎勵SP,應該也要有名聲點數。而點爛沒有名聲點數。我建議給點讚人、作者比 0.25:0.75的名聲點數,在HF21後也一樣。這也能激勵人們好好點讚優文。
三、改成名聲低的點爛名聲高的也可以降名聲,但是掉比較少,我提議差X級,效果為1/[10^(1/9)]^X 高等級點爛低等級的,效果沒加成,維持一樣。
Some people buy votes, I believe one of the reasons is to gain the reputation. Basically, once the reputation go up, it's hard to decrease. Unless the person keeps posting, leaving comments, and always get downvote by people with higher reputation.
The reputation level= [log(reputation points)-9]*9+25, it gets harder to elevate to a higher level. Takes about 30% of current reputation points to get to next level.
When the reward of a post/comment is zero, it needs to meet that the reputation of the downvoter>0, and >the author's reputation. Affected by this, I buy votes to elevate my reputation. Cos I feel a threaten from people with higher reputation then me, and I can't take control of it. So I bring up some suggestion, hope to change the situation.
Upvote means agree with the post/comment, and promote the post/comment by the way. Besides the curation reward, the votes should also gain reputation. And the downvotes gets nothing. I suggest to give the reputation to upvoters and the author by the ratio of 0.25:0.75, same after the HF21. This can also encourage people to upvote good articles and reward good authors.
Due to this, people gets reputation easier. So I bring up with a biomimetic mechanism to balance this, and also makes it closer to the real society. The reputation should automatically declines by time. And it should drop quicker at a higher reputation level. E.g. no change in level 25, drop 1 reputation score each day in level 25, 2 per day in level 26... Anyway, I don't have a clear concept of how much a reputation score it needs, so I don't know if it is too much for a newbie and too insignificant to someone with high reputation. The formula is open for discussion.
Then in this case, if someone buy votes to gain reputation, he/she needs to keep buying to maintain, if he/she do so, it increase the demand of steem😊Enable to lower the author's reputation when a downvoter has less reputation then the author. But should reduce the effect of the downvote. I suggest if the level difference # Header 1is lower by X, the decreased reputation of normal condition should be 1/[10^(1/9)]^X
And if the downvoter has higher reputation, keeps the same, no additional effect.
The number, formula above are open for discussion to make it proper.