Thinking about using Steem Engine and manually distribute SEVEN Tokens to first 777 Family members of SEVEN77
Most family members are nearing 77 days with SEVEN77 Challenge and It would be nice to distribute something to everyone to make them feel like they’re part of our growing Family and part of something BIG
SEVEN77 Movement will soon become a startup and seek seed funding from venture capitalists/Angel Investors. I won’t be rushing with this decision because
Fund raising is a TOOL not a GOAL for Entrepreneurs
Ideas Are Cheap — Execution is Worth Millions
An idea is NOT a product. NOT a business
I’ll keep everyone updated with this decision
Keep going with SEVEN77 Twitter Movement
Once you finish your Season ONE of SEVEN77 Challenge, please take a small break and start your season TWO with SEVEN77 Challenge
SEVEN77 3.0 is the latest Iteration of SEVEN77 and please check out
Thanks a million