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RE: Hey Santa, where's my f^^king bike?!

in #silver5 years ago

My gosh that is such a beautiful coin sir galenkp! And a whopping ten ounces, incredible.


It's pretty cool huh? I have a few of them, the 10oz coins and they feel really nice in the hand. Chunky. Eventually my niece and nephew will get all my silver so I make sure I have an even amount of each thing...Now I have one 10oz too many...You know what that means right? Yep...Gotta get another one.

lol. That's too funny, you are forced to buy until you have even numbers. That's really cool though, your gifting or inheritance plan.

Haha, well, any excuse to buy silver right?

I may end up selling some before it's time to give it away but I'll retain some for them as I know they will be raised with the stacker-ethos. They are the recipients of my Will anyway, so everything I have goes to them in any case. Hopefully not too soon though.

Oh that is exactly right about no time soon, you are planning generations ahead! lol. Does anyone else in your family stack?

Not really but not through lack of wanting to. It comes down to priorities I think. They will though, and I give them some too.

Very true, you have to be in a position financially and most of the time that means after the kids are on their own and so forth.

Yep, exactly. my brothers have had other commitments and moving forward they will stack as they can. They have the stacking ethos, just not the ability just yet.

I'm sure they're licking their chops in anticipation!