The only thing that matters is the price... these FCAS scores are like the government trying to tell us a swamp is good real estate because the soil composition is rich in nitrogen for farming, but everyone knows its a swamp you cant farm there... these FCAS scores woudl eb NICE if teh PRICE was going up... no one cares, we need PRICE action and the ONLY WAY to fix that is ONBOARDING USERS.. we have crazy witnesses liek @gtg seriously giving up thinking that its Too expensive to onbaord anyone unles sthey "add value" when no we just are in a leadership droubt and we need infrastructrue paid for by the person with teh largest stake,
in fact @ned would only have to pay his share for onbaording costs, im sue other whales even dolphisn and minnwos woudl donbate to a fund to help onbaord millions of new users...
we need new users because eout of every few thosuand new users onbaorded you might have oen who invests a lot or who talks someoen into investing in some steempower for them to use etc.. also steem on coinbase... they added us to coinbase custody list sow e need to just get adde dtor egualr coinbase and get on twitter whne to coinabse on twitter like digibvyte and chainlink peopel did, if stinky linkies canm get on coinbase, STEEM should be, ESPECIALLy afte rthe FCAS score
actualy this fcas score miught help steem get added to coinbase proper faster
theyve since aided a lot of these already