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Steem-Multiversum: What if we are travelling on different planets?
Linking of articles and comments without colonization*
How do relative links actually work? So far I link everything to steemit.com. But if I read with busy.org or steempeak.com, I like to stay there if I follow a Steem link. So why should I force other people, if they like it differently?
Let's try this right now! You make a link by Markdown with these square and round brackets [DESCRIPTION] (LINK), without naming the domain, but including the introductory slash: /, e.g.
... and this is how it looks like behind the curtains:
I also took some tips from @ginabot, what frontends existed besides the ones I know so far.

... and then it looks like this, if it is not linked relatively. Apparently not all of them work. But every single one is worth an excursion!
I've seen others before. And it was already helpful to me, when steemit.com was not available at times.
Others you know, that are not yet mentioned here, add in the comments section, please.
I hope you enjoyed this little space trip.
Please come back for more.
PS: Please be inspired to upvote/comment/resteem. I really enjoy to make the peanuts till ring until it's all gone (keyword Voting Power) [1]. If an article is already more than 7 days old, please visit the author and upvote some current comments or articles.
[*] Title und picture selection are inspired by Eric Frank Russell ... And Then There Were None (Astounding, June 1951) and [..] the novel The Great Explosion based upon it. (1962) (Source, Text-Find)
[1] see also our contribution We ran out of RC - Resource Credits 101 from 03/16/2019
This Blog-Post in German
Our past blog posts
- 04/12/2019 Richly endowed by @clove71
- 04/04/2019 First gift thanks to community
- 03/30/2019 Two Stonesplitter Orcs retaliated each other, both dying still in the first round
- 03/28/2019 In detail two more rated internal monsters battles
- 03/26/2019 Novice playing Tournaments
- 03/24/2019 My son's very first season bonus
- 03/22/2019 The flying ability
- 03/22/2019 Our second rated internal monsters battle
- 03/21/2019 Effective season play for beginners
- 03/19/2019 His sister, only age 5
- 03/16/2019 We ran out of RC - Resource Credits 101
- 03/15/2019 We had our first rated internal monsters battle
- 03/13/2019 Introducing ourselves
Some past blog posts I translated into German
- 03/28/2019 Steem Monsters Legends with @clove71!
- 03/27/2019 Steem Monsters Facebook & Telegram Updates & Giveaway!
- 03/17/2019 If You Find A Steemit User Struggling With "Resource Credits", This Is A Short Post That Helps.
- 03/17/2019 Steem Basics: Resource Credit System for Beginners
Our past blog posts in German
- 13.04.2019 Reich beschenkt von @clove71
- 04.04.2019 Erstes Geschenk dank Gemeinschaft
- 31.03.2019 Zwei Steinsplitter-Orks übten gegenseitig Vergeltung, und beide starben noch in der ersten Runde
- 29.03.2019 Im Detail zwei weitere gewertete interne Monsterskämpfe
- 27.03.2019 Anfänger, die Turniere spielen
- 25.03.2019 Der erste Saisonbonus meines Sohnes
- 23.03.2019 Die Flug-Fertigkeit
- 23.03.2019 Unser zweiter gewerteter interner Monster-Kampf
- 22.03.2019 Effektives Saison-Spiel für Einsteiger
- 20.03.2019 Seine Schwester, nur 5 Jahre alt
- 16.03.2019 Uns gingen die RC aus - Resource Credits für Einsteiger von Einsteigern
- 15.03.2019 Wir hatten unseren ersten gewerteten internen Monster-Kampf
- 14.03.2019 Wir stellen uns vor