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RE: Important Changes to and Wallet

in #steem6 years ago

I don’t want to see ads when I’m logged in unless you’re compensating me for it. If you’re not going to do that (as I suggested to Ned two years ago), I’ll use another interface that will.

I’ll also use another interface that doesn’t make me sign in multiple times to use the same blockchain.

I suspect others will be doing the same.


They are also ads that like to track you. I don't see them myself, but I do see this in the console:

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

I also noticed that Steemit doesn't set cookies in Firefox, but does on some versions of Chrome, without a warning, which is against the law in some jurisdictions; 6 cookies and some local storage, to be exact.

When I remove these cookies, Steemit logs me out; when I block Steemit from setting cookies, I can't login, because:

app.c0f8216….js:1 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.

Such fun.