Couple of problems here...
First of all, when you click on your "wallet," you're taken to the new site...and then you can't go back when you click the back button.
Fix that.
Secondly - when you try to change your profile settings/info, you need to go to your wallet to do that. So you're not separating the social part of the site from the wallet. And then, to make things even soooooo much "better," when you change your profile info via the wallet site, it only changes that info on your wallet site, not your actual social media profile on
Fix that.
Once again, in your attempt to make things "better" and "safer," you've made things more complicated, more broken, and not actually "safer" at all, because now you need to sign your keys more often just to view/adjust the same things you could do before on one site.
So, congratulations. At least your "development" is consistent, even if horrid.