There is always noise in life, and I have taken nothing you said as negative toward me or my attitude, text is a lousy medium at times.
it can sometimes be hard to find the fun in all the noise, everyone's idea of fun is slightly different. Some think flagging and annoying others is fun, not me. But I do enjoy a lot of different content, and the tribes have helped make it a bit easier to find. Currently CreativeCoin is doing pretty good on the content type I like, the trending pages on many of the tribes are pretty clean of spam content/vote bot raised content.
Uncontrolled mayhem is never fun. I know there are several people that feel the tribes exert to much control, that is generally from people that like to flag. Even with the free flags on palnet, there is not a lot of abusive flagging going on, they seem to be being used as was designed, that is because palnet will take out the abusive flaggers. Steemit has no mechanism to do that.
The fun can be found again, it is still out there, at least for a little while longer. We will just have to wait and see what all gets thrown out with the bath water of HF21.