Where did you get data about number of voters?
Steemian.info show ~400,000 witness voters.
Posted using Partiko Android
Where did you get data about number of voters?
Steemian.info show ~400,000 witness voters.
Posted using Partiko Android
I used STEEMSQL - let me know if I made a mistake.
SELECT name, CONVERT(FLOAT, LEFT(vesting_shares, LEN(vesting_shares)-6)) as vests FROM accounts WHERE proxy = '' AND witnesses_voted_for = 0; # Voting
SELECT name, CONVERT(FLOAT, LEFT(vesting_shares, LEN(vesting_shares)-6)) as vests FROM accounts # Not voting
(I filtered out the vesting_shares afterwards)
Error is probably on Steemian.info than. (I don't see any mistake here)
Posted using Partiko Android