Hello STEEM community!
We would like to do a quick recap about OnePageX.com!
Let's get to it.
OnePageX.com General Features List

We'd like to quickly remind existing users and introduce to new users our current features.
OnePageX.com Cryptocurrency Swap
OnePageX.com offers the simplest and fastest way to convert crypto without any hassle. We offer extremely competitive rates on quick crypto swaps. OnePageX.com has over 140 cryptocurrencies with new ones being added on a regular basis!
OnePageX.com Multi-Transaction Function
OnePageX.com has a cool feature that enables users to make multiple exchanges from one page! Just bookmark your page or save the URL and you can always come back and make more transactions as well! You can have multiple cards with multiple transactions on each card.

OnePageX.com Exchange Widget
OnePageX.com offers an easy-to-integrate widget! Do you want to offer cryptocurrency exchanges on your website? A simple copy-paste of the code provided on the OnePageX.com OneBox Exchange Widget page will get the job done!

Check Transaction On Explorer
Click the little square button beside your transaction status to be taken to the relevant explorer so you can view your transaction!

Social Share
Do you have a cryptocurrency or blockchain project you support? You want to show your followers on various social media that you just bought some of your favorite crypto on OnePageX.com?
Our social media buttons appear once a transaction is progressing, enabling you to quickly share your transaction on social media. No amounts or specifics are revealed, just what cryptocurrency or altcoin you are getting!

Thank You STEEM Community!
OnePageX.com is extremely pleased with this community and are actively participating in it, as well as looking forward to growing together with all of you!

Have a great week everyone and thank you for reading!
Keep Up With OnePageX.com!
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