because my post was "off topic" and not about 'Stem' but again.... my post had NOTHING TO DO ABOUT STEM and I didn't even tag Stem in that post. So that explanation was a complete LIE!
Bro, he told you it was off-topic you didn't need to include the 'stem' tag - its technology related ( not the technology that you did - its different ) and to them not relevant to their tribe. (Side Note: You proceeded to tell them to fuck off while inquiring about what happened which doesn't help ) I don't know what the paid tags are for STEM , I think "technology" is the other tag - meaning you don't need to do a STEM tag do be included in the tribe , as a set of tags could find its way into the tribe. As you stated the post had nothing to do with S.T.E.M the purpose of the tribe. So you admit that its in the wrong place. Its fine man we all make mistakes but no need to get ape shit about it right?
He told you stfu because you were are going crazy ape shit all over the platform and his ginabot is going nuts! I don't blame him. Its fine you didn't understand how tribes work and nothing wrong with that. Just apologize and you'll stop being DV. Nothing big man.