I hate people who are cry babies and butt-hurt all the time. Suck it up like a man and take your downvote you pussy.
Wow, you're really that petty you went and downvoted an article covering some of this steemit drama? LMAOOOOOOOO
It seems I shouldn't have fucked with you on your period. LMAO
Oh yeah, I'm sure, nothing like a gang bang of grown adults ganging up on one account spam downvoting because its fun... That entertains me too.
By the way this is the most discussion that any post on steemit has ever had... LMAOOO I'm glad I'm doing my service for the community.
you are laughing that you are getting a beat down in front of all your peers?
Also no I'm laughing that I'm wasting your time so you can inflate the chain and add more strain to the witnesses and the network... wasting kb's for petty stuff. I'm fine with this. remember we would be on the same team but it seems you guys just want me out of here but im not going to leave now, I think my agenda and my view of steemit is just going to take a nose dive after today. I got no problem with what's going on. Like I said, downvote me, upvote me, or don't vote at all, no matter what you do I win. Lets make that clear.
steemit is just going to take a nose dive after today.
Lol, you had so much great things to say about Steemit .
Like I said, downvote me, upvote me, or don't vote at all, no matter what you do I win. Lets make that clear.
Like I said you are a butt-hurt pussy , who went full blown retard tonight claiming people were downvoting your post for the hell of it. Once you were told that you are a dumbfuck , you went ahead and acted again like a the full blown retarded gorilla you are and started flinging your shit everywhere and got downvoted doing so and got butt-hurt more over it. Nobody cares if you stay, or leave , or get run over by a truck tonight. We all just know you are a butt hurt loser cry baby. Those facts won't change with your time here on Steem going forward.
A beat down? LMAO you take this kinda shit seriously don't you?
Your "beatdown" doesn't really do anything against me, because I make my money outside of steem just like everyone else in the world who is successful in the crypto world.
Yeah I suppose sucking whale dicks is right up your alley. $20 is $20 little hoe.
A beat down? LMAO you take this kinda shit seriously don't you?
You are the one running around on everyone's post complaining like a little bitch you are ... taking this shit to seriously aren't you ? lol... dumbass.
I'm not hurt by any of this, you're wasting kb and downvotes just so you can spite me, You're giving me what I want.