So you have never used YouTube before?
Where did I say that ? I said none of us over on youtube hanging out so why would we go over there?
Because the TAG was ALWAYS GENERIC, Technology has always been a generic tag FOR THE PUBLIC* that was never regulated by a particular group but apparently now its fine to allow these groups to downvote technology posts simply because its not promoting their shittoken.
Ok. You were told why your tag didn't fit by enforcer and proceeded to have a cry baby fit why is that our problem again ?
I mean, if we take this into court you think a tag is enough to sue me for libel?
The case would be thrown out once they see all the whiney libelous things you were saying about people. You'd have no case if you brought it to court. I wouldn't bother suing you . You aren't worth it. A bottom dweller loser isn't worth my time suing.
You're also supportive of the STEM project too, am I correct about this assessment? So I'm being bombarded by STEM supporters as it seems and they are mad I'm making their actions even more public and revealing to the public how it negatively affects the general users, the average users on this site.
I'm over there ,but I don't use the tribe. Meaning I support TheMarkyMark's tribe . No, they aren't against you, you used the wrong tag remember? so they downvoted it. You didn't like it before and after you were told what happened.
I'm not sure why we are talking . We are going around in circles. Clearly, you have no interest in using Steem the proper way and just want to sling poop everywhere why don't we just not talk ? whatcha think ? I'll let you just rot out there with all your new meaningless posts. I won't tell you what was done to you but you won't be getting any more responses from people ( or at least the people that matter maybe your 1 follower) ... lol ....