You do realize the accounts that were negatively impacted are mainstream users who are using the Internet exactly the way they use pretty much every site they go to.
Most of them have no idea what key they saved and why they have 4 of them.
In addition... you anal security freaks. They have very small accounts and don't yet have to be concerned. Just as my knowledge grew, so did my understanding of how and why I should protect my account.
If you webstie requires a half an hour training course to log in you might be failing. :)
For one site to decide to sacrifice user experience without the slightest thought on impact shows why crypto in general is not ready for mainstream and how Steem is moving away from being mainstream friendly and away from being an onboarding or gateway platform.
The timing and the fact I had ads 2 seconds after they dropped the code is a pretty clear indicator of why they choose to do this now.