A throw back on a friend's post
Just recently a friend of mine @crypto.piotr made an interesting comment on a post saying “Whether it’s good to support quality content or support people to make quality content. Actually, I have been thinking of this comment for quite sometime now and I decided to write this piece to throw more light on what exactly my friend @crypto.piotr meant.
It’s an innate behaviour of almost every human being to feel happy when he is appreciated or applauded for something he/she has done. Growing up I thought all the series of Speech and Prize Giving days that are held by school authorities to appreciate some students were just for fun by little did I know that there was a real motive behind organizing such events. These events are held to reward and appreciate hardorwing students and also encourage the ones that are lagging behind to also put in their best. Well I can’t say absolutely that all students would definitely perform but the little psychological manipulation that I see here is that because almost everybody would love to be rewarded they would put in their best to perform in all activities that are held in school.
My little Problem
However, sometimes some administrators fail to acknowledge up and coming students who might be doing better than before. I don’t know whether it’s based on their reward system which is only to select the extraordinary ones or those who perform to the peak. Let’s not forget that when such students are appreciated it encourages them to do better and pushes then to put up their “A game on” and gradually you would have moulded an intelligent student.
Steemit platform is of no difference as content makers on this platform are rewarded for the quality of their content. It’s been approximately a year since I joined this platform and I am happy at my progress so far even though I would not stick up my nose in the clouds thinking I am all perfect but I know I have been doing my best on this platform to increase the quality of posts on this platform. I have seen other young content makers who also make quality posts on this platform yet they are not giving much attention like the oldies on this platform. My reference to young and oldies is not with respect to individual’s age but rather how long he/she has been on this platform.
Don’t get me wrong folks and I don’t mean in any way that those outstanding creators who genuinely deserve audience because of the high quality of posts they make should not be given the needed attention but just saying that let’s encourage the upcoming ones too . To mention but a few are @hatuss and @crypto.piotr are some of the great content makers I have come across on this platform and they give every little piece of post they make with such a fine touch.
A Question that we have to ask ourselves?
When these guys and other great content makers are gone or get too old to make posts on this platform can steemit still boast as one of the content platforms with quality posts?
The Way Forward
I believe it’s high time we support other good content makers out there and mould them into the geniuses that this platform deserves. These content writers need subscribers, need audience to help promote their posts in various tags so that their posts can trend on the steemit blockchain. In view of this I have created a telegram group where all beginners on steemit can join to get the support of other community members in terms of audience of posts. I believe we can all help each other by following some simple guidelines which are going to be stipulated in the telegram grouped.
Join this group and let's get interactive on how to improve our content, get audience and more followers :)
I am always open to ideas and suggestions so you feel free to pm me at any time
Telegram: @Ikkelins
Discord: @Ikkelins#4359
And please about the image above it simply shows that the great shoes of the oldies need to be filled by the young ones, so let's all help groom them :).