SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #11

in #steemworld6 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1

One step forward, two steps back...

As always, it was a very busy week for me. In parallel to implementing the new Block Explorer I fixed a few bugs in my RC calculation logic and changed all API requests on the client and server side to use the new Condenser API. It's a bit disappointing to see that the available Steem JS Library is still a few weeks behind the important changes made in HF20.

Lesson learned: Build your own solution whenever it is possible or you will have to rely on others. Changing all my code to use DSteem instead would take too long and I want to make progress here. But I'm glad about what I have accomplished and as we know: Inspiration is important, but most important experience comes from 'learning by doing'...

Block Explorer now available

  • Transactions, same layout as in Account Operations:

  • Virtual Operations in a separate tab:

The reputation next to the account names is only being shown for already (on SteemWorld) cached accounts. I'm not sure, if I will change that in future, because it would require a huge amount of 'get_account' requests for larger blocks.

  • Exporting blocks and virtual operations as JSON:

  • Account Operations: A click on the transaction id or block number opens the Block Explorer in a popup and automatically filters the displayed data:

  • The same goes for virtual ops:

  • There is also a field for filtering the transactions of the opened block by text:

  • Additional information for each transaction can be shown by clicking on the icon in the right:

  • It is also possible to open the Block Explorer directly from an external link:[block_num] or[block_num]/[trx_id]

  • Holding Ctrl while clicking on a block number or transaction id on SteemWorld will also open it in a new tab ;)

In the making

Improving the account refresh logic

Since the RPC nodes do no longer synchronize/return the account history and main account data in real time, I need to think about building and implementing a better solution. Maybe I can parse and store all blockchain data on one of my servers without having to rely on public node requests from the clients in future. I already do parse all blocks for some features on SteemWorld, but I do not have a solution for the account history yet. Would be great to store also the virtual operations, because that would enable me to have kind of a public node for my services without having to fulfil the huge hardware requirements for running a full steemd instance.

I will take a look at Steemit's SBDS (Steem Blockchain Data Service), because I think it could be capable of exactly what I need. I prefer to work with SQLite as it is really fast on SSD and requires no additional database service working in background. As I stated before, in my opinion it would be possible to deploy kind of an own Full-API Service on a 16 GB RAM machine with enough SSD memory available. That would be much cheaper than running steemd and is the only solution I can think of given my current monthly earnings.

Improving the Recent Posts Overview

Still not there, but I'm on my way...

  • Implementing different views (list, miniature, date) and a possibility to find / navigate to older posts in a more comfortable way.

  • Search feature for older posts.

RC costs calculation

  • Display the number of available votes, comments, etc.


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Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much Love,


Perfect work! Keep on doing this 👌
Upvoted 💪

Lieber @steemchiller, ich hoffe es läuft alles soweit gut bei dir!

Ich würde gerne etwas mehr über deinen CSI Faktor erfahren. Hast schon irgendwo etwas dazu publik gemacht? Auch wenn du den algo selbst noch nicht freigeben möchtest wäre es sehr hilfreich für mich zu wissen, welche Faktoren grundsätzlich in die Berechnung eingehen.

Ich würde den CSI gerne für eine Ranking-Idee einsetzen, müsste diesen dazu aber etwas besser verstehen.

Eine Rückmeldung wäre wunderbar, z.B. per!

Besten Dank und Gruss,

Hi @shaka! Jo läuft ganz gut bei mir, bin nur ziemlich beschäftigt in letzter Zeit. Müsste eigentlich auch noch meinen 'weekly' Post machen, aber komme immer wieder davon ab... So ganz ohne Inhalt will ich den dann auch nicht raushauen :)

Ich werde die CSI-Logik (sobald ich dazu komme) mal aufschreiben und dir im Chat zuschicken ;)

LG, Chiller

Prima, das freut mich. Ich erläutere dir dann im chat auch gerne, woran ich gedacht habe.

Thank you dear @steemchiller for your great work. I use Steemworld regularly. It would be very nice if more supporters could be found for you, so that not only the server costs are covered.

Vielen Dank, lieber @steemchiller für deine großartige Arbeit. Ich nutze Steemworld regelmäßig. Es wäre sehr schön, wenn sich noch mehr Unterstützer für dich finden, damit nicht nur die Server-kosten gedeckt sind.

Laudatio EN/DE

That's always a lot of work you do for us Steemians. Even this weekly post with extensive documentation has cost a lot of energy. What a job! Regardless of the fact that on Blockćhain you open up undreamt-of possibilities for yourself, which I treat you to from the bottom of my heart, you really do a lot for the international community. What I admire about it is your pragmatism. You don't make a fuss, but you make a lot of impression. Respect!


Das ist immer eine Menge Arbeit, was du für uns Steemians leistest. Sogar dieser Wochenpost mit umfangreicher Dokumentation hat Kraft gekostet. Was für eine Arbeit! Ungeachtet der Tatsache, dass du dir auf der Blockćhain ungeahnte Möglichkeiten damit eröffnest, was ich dir von Herzen gönne, tust du wirklich eine Menge für die internationale Community. Was ich daran bewundere, ist dein Pragmatismus. Machst keinen Wirbel, aber eine Menge Eindruck. Respekt @steemchiller!

Lieber Chiller,

ich hoffe, es geht dir gut!

Gerade habe ich gesehen, dass du anscheinend vorbereitest, in der Überschrift-Leiste "Recent Posts" eine Auswahlliste einzufügen.

Das hat mich daran erinnert, dass ich dir seit längerer Zeit schon einen Vorschlag machen möchte, dessen Umsetzung, zumindest ich, recht sinnvoll fände.

Könntest du in der Überschrift-Leiste "Account Operations" jeweils über der zweiten Spalte (dort Stehen z.B. die Namen der Voter) und über der vierten Spalte (dort stehen die Vote-Beträge) zwei Pfeilchen einbauen, mit denen man die Liste auf- oder absteigend sortieren kann?

Man könnte dann bei z.B. 100 eingegangenen Votes z.B. schnell sehen, dass mich Voter "A" nicht nur einmal sondern z.B. viermal gevotet hat.

Mit der anderen Spalte könnte man die "fetten" Votes schnell nach oben sortieren.

Ich bin gespannt, was du davon hältst ;-)

Da ich gerade dabei bin ... Eine andere Idee kam mir auch schon vor längerer Zeit.

Fändest du es auch sinnvoll, dass, gleichgültig, welche Auswahl gerade mit den Filtern in "Account Operations" getroffen wurde, eine auffällige rote Meldung angezeigt würde, wenn z.B. irgend etwas Wichtiges oder Finanzielles mit dem Account passiert ist. Also z.B. ein "Power Down" eingeleitet wurde?

Liebe Grüße, @double-u

Moin @double-u, mir geht's soweit ganz gut. Es wird Zeit, dass die Kurse endlich wieder steigen, dann würde es mir noch besser gehen :) Schwer zu glauben, dass so wenig Volumen in Cryptos und Gold stattfindet, obwohl die Aktienmärkte in den letzten Tagen so heftig gefallen sind. Das Geld scheint einfach zu verschwinden oder die Zahlen, die uns die Exchanges liefern, stimmen nicht. Wie auch immer, da muss was passieren...

Deine Ideen gefallen mir sehr gut. Ich muss mal schauen, ob sich eine solche Sortiermöglichkeit dort einbauen lässt. Vielleicht sollte man da auch eine Auswahlliste mit allen Möglichkeiten haben. Es wären ja sicher noch weitere Felder für die Sortierung interessant und alles über solche Pfeile regelbar zu machen, könnte etwas verwirrend sein. Nach Vote-Betrag dürfte schwierig werden, da ich die Beträge ja immer nur für die sichtbaren Operationen hole (sind so schon eine Menge Zugriffe auf die Nodes). Ich müsste dann bei Sortierung nach Betrag erstmal alle ermitteln (vielleicht mit einem Statusbalken) und dann anzeigen.

Die Idee mit dem Hinweis auf wichtige Account-Vorgänge gefällt mir. Ich hatte mir das selbst auch schon mal gewünscht, aber nie weiter über eine Lösung nachgedacht. Vielleicht sollte man so etwas an einer extra dafür vorgesehenen Stelle anzeigen. Man könnte z.B. so eine Hinweis-Leiste ganz oben auf der Seite einbauen, die dann so lange sichtbar ist, bis man auf 'schließen / X' geklickt hat.

Super Ideen auf jeden Fall und ich werde das mal auf meine Liste packen ;)

LG, Chiller

Super, das freut mich!

Lieben Gruß, @double-u

Lieber Chiller,

ich hab' schon wieder eine Idee ;-)
Im täglichen Gebrauch deiner Steemworld merke ich, dass sie eine nette Erweiterung darstellen würde.

Wie wär's, wenn du die Liste Stats, Balances, General Data, ... Settings um einen Button "Steemians" erweitern würdest?

Mit Klick auf diesen Button sollte dann eine Liste zu sehen sein von den Steemians, deren Blog- oder Steemworld-Ansicht man häufig ansteuern möchte. Wie bei dir üblich, würde sich nach Klick auf den Namen der Blog und mit Klick auf das Mensch-Symbol die Steemworld-Ansicht des angeklickten Steemians öffnen.

Um Steemians zu dieser Liste hinzu zu fügen, wäre es eventuell sinnvoll, sie aus der Liste derer aussuchen zu können, denen man folgt. Zusätzlich sollte man selbstverständlich manuell Namen von Steemians eintragen können.

Ich hoffe, meine Idee gefällt dir!

Lieben Gruß, @double-u


Lieber Chiller,

ich hab' mir überlegt, dass mein Vorschlag oben doch nicht so wichtig ist, denn man kann sich die Links zu den Steemians ja auch im Browser als Lesezeichen anordnen. Das werde ich jetzt mal wieder aktuell pflegen.

... ich finde, bei dem trüben Wetter könnte wenigstens der STEEM-Kurs mal einen ordentlichen Satz nach oben machen ;-)

As always, gladly 100%, just used your great service 10minutes ago - Thx once again for providing it and making things like delegating for technical minnows (or maybe even planktons) like me possible without any problems!

Have a nice weekend :)

P.S.: Are you going to Steemfest?

Thank you, I also wish you a nice one!

Are you going to Steemfest?

I'm a lonely rider and normally I'm where no crowd is...
But I will do my best to be there at some point in future ;)


Would be great :)

I'm a lonely rider as well and like it where there's no crowd. :)

Keep up the good work!
Its always interesting looking at options for maintaining a more computationally efficient version of the blockchain, purely for DB query purposes, in another format. Eg BlockSci. Blockchains' requirements for immutability makes them much larger than computationally efficient (but not secure or immutable) version of the same information.

Hey, if you consider using SBDS, I would rather recommend you to look at S2DB, a non-steemit inc solution which does pretty much the same, but is better ;)

Thanks for the tip! I will definitely take a look into it.

Good work. Full 100% and resteemed :-)

@steemchiller Great to see that you are continuously updating this great platform. I am following SteemWorld since I signup on Steemit. SteemWorld provides every single information related to our Steemit account. I think SteemWorld is the first platform which updated according to HF20. Good luck with the platform.

@steemchiller I have last two days issue to use steemworld. It stops on loading 70%. As I need use steemworld to manage my curation trails @pataty69 and @tatylayla on steemauto can you help me?

Thanks for the info! Should work now ;)

@steemchiller thank you it works now and helps a lot. I have a good performance with my two trails and always looking for rewards more than 100% of my vote. You can look my worksheet at

I use several time a day steemworld.

Posted using Partiko Android

My father always said, If you want something done right, do it yourself :) Thank you so much for all your time and effort and energy you put into this @steemchiller :) I also think these "support posts" were a great idea on your part!

Thank you for continuing to improve SteemWorld for us. It is a high quality product that is essential to STEEM. I admire your passion and dedication. I think it’s time for me to host another fund raiser contest for you; hopefully I can raise more this time. Keep up the awesome work.


Thank you @steemchiller, for this “latest, greatest” update. I always drop everything else I am doing, to read it as soon as it becomes available.

I’m learning what the new Block Explorer feature can do. I already am grateful to have this new functionality! The Steem blockchain, after all (to me, at least …), is still a database and having the ability to work with all of the data stored in it is very helpful.

”One step forward, two steps back ...”

”It's a bit disappointing to see that the available Steem JS Library is still a few weeks behind the important changes made in HF20.”

Sorry to read this. You have perspective “under the hood,” we will not have. If I am following this right, then the programming tools you need to properly support your SteemWorld app are simply not available. And the DIY (“do-it-yourself”) route is prohibitively expensive. I would suspect at least as much from a time perspective, as much as having to install new hardware.

Hopefully, the SteemIt core development team will get this done in the not too distant future. Perhaps even in time for your next weekly update?

Thanks again @steemchiller, for all your work on behalf of “the rest of us!” 👍

Hey... you made it... you are now replacing part of the functionalities of steemd. So, one more great reason to have a second source (more decentralization and failover capability).

At @eosoceania, we are using your tool. Thanks! Supporting you personally, because I love what you are producing... plus it is helping me in many ways, so I really want you to continue.


Definitely thank you, thank you, thank you for all the improvements, it is definitely the best help program, I imagine that you have a record of everyone who uses your excellent program. all my friends who are in steemit use it, I can say that all Venezuelans use it

I believe in freedom and any user analytic system would take a bit of that away, that's why I don't have a record of users. I would earn way more by integrating external ads or something like that, but I just want people to feel comfortable when using my tool. We all have been spied on enough by the huge companies out there and it's time for change in our world.

After reading you feels like was reading a post from Einstein of Steem ... Amazing work Buddy.

Hey, @steemchiller:

Looking good as always. All updates and changes as needed are welcome, and I concur with the sentiment that waiting around for someone else's code to be available when you can create your own solution will nearly always be better. Especially if you're the faster, better coder. :) No, I really can't say that in all honesty because I don't know who's doing this other library, but you always seem to be able to get things accomplished much quicker than anyone else I've seen.

Thank you for all of this. I certainly hope we're helping here.

Please resteem this post, vote and promote.
This post should be on the trending top list

Steemworld; still my #1 go-to site! Thank you!

This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.

If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.

Thanks a lot for your huge work for all Steemians.

You guys doing a great work i'm using this site everyday

Once again - I like (and use) your wor(ld)k very often!!!! Thank you so much 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for everything you do for us!

Will you be adding the ability to track how many accounts we can or have claimed? It would also be great to have the option to create them from the site as well. Keep up the great work and thanks!

Always happy to support with my small upvote; SteemWorld is a constant part of my "Steemit World!" Although much of this update is technical above my understanding, well done for keeping up with all the changes.

I hope these weekly support posts are doing enough to help you out...


Always happy to upvote your nice comments on my posts, so that in future you will have a powerful vote that will bring me to the top and enable me to afford a few high performance servers, which will take SteemWorld to the next level. May take a while though :)

Hi, just want to inform you, that the standard node you put the " (austibank)", and this is the one i found has problems with the RC Status in other post.

Can you maybe change this to "" this seem to work ok, or any other, because this standard one has a problem with RC Status %.

Thanks, just to inform you. Regards.

Thanks for reminding me! I've already changed the default to '' ;)
Hopefully I will have my own node in future. That would make things much easier for me.
Regards, Chiller

A vote of appreciation @steemchiller! Your "SteemWorld" has definitely helped me get a better understanding of how Steemit works, underneath it all. And it helps me manage my very limited time here, so thank you!

All the best to you!

Gosh! You have done so much work!
I only use thus to check my voting power! It’s too complicated for me, but I hope to understand all these features one day!

Keep up your excellent work!!

Really thank you for your hard work @steemchiller. I hope you will find the way to get something in return for what you have done. Wish you all the best

I just found the tool,

very nice work, I have upvote to help you on the cost, I still note have so high power hope I will reach more in the future.

I accept some tips to increase my power :)

100% recomendada esta plataforma, por cierto hace falta una para weku

Thank you for your support dear friend. Greetings


Wie immer, danke fuer alles das du fuer uns tust. Ich benutze steemworld jeden Tag.

Upvoted and resteemed. You are doing great. Yu never run out of ideas what to do. Too bad some other guys are not like you ...

Mein Upvote ist dann endlich mal 1ct wert.
Danke für Deine Arbeit, daher wie immer der Upvote und Resteem!

Thank you!!! Steemworld is getting better and better.

Thank you so much @steemchiller!!
Love using steemworld, it's so handy dandy nice
and KISS ''Keep it simple sweet''! I really like how
it looks and works! ❤
Any chance in the future of adding a who unfollowed and
who mutes me to the ''followers'' tab? There was
some site who did list those but it don't work most the time.
It would be awesome to have this on steemworld also 🌏

I just bought some sp delegation so now my vote is lil bit better but still not much. But because the steemworld is open on my device 24/7 i will always give my vote to support you!😉

Hey there. Are things financially better now that you put the support window on steemworld?

I use this system a lot!

Yes, it's getting better, but I'm still very limited regarding my server equipment. A high performance server costs about $500 - $1000 / month and it would enable me to realize so much more great things on SteemWorld. Still waiting for higher STEEM prices to take it all to the next level and to be able to make a good living out of my work.

Prima Arbeit, reibungslos "schnurrend" und notfalls schnell angepasst. Danke

Hi @steemchiller,
ab der HF20 sind die Beiträge ja editierbar.
Ein snaphot der Blockchain, zu einer beliebigen Zeit oder Blocknummer wäre doch ein tolles Feature für die steemworld - und in der Basisversion (fast) ohne Aufwand realisierbar :-)
In einer Komfortversion könnten auch Beiträge, die geändert wurden, rot angezeigt werden.
Naja, nice to have jedenfalls.
Besten Gruß @tiblog

Thank you so much and keep up the great work, @steemchiller! The service you've built is so useful to me!

Thanks for this great program!

  • Feature request.
    Would it be possible to hide SteemMonsters activity? I've been playing it a lot and now SteemWorld is pretty unusable. haha
    My fault, not yours! haha

TIA if you see fit to add this and ever find the time...

I've added a quick fix for this. You can now hide the 'Custom JSON' operations:

It's not perfect and not as configurable as I want it to be, but for now it should do the job. Keep in mind that this will hide outgoing 'resteems' and 'follows' as well, because these are also custom JSON's.

Hmm... Looks like we need some kind of custom filters for the operations. I would prefer having a general solution for that. A possibility to be able to define something like { custom_json -> id } != "sm_*" would be optimal.

I will think about it and implement it in one of the next versions ;)

Thanks again. Reading through your post you seem to be able to figure out whats what quicker than many of the others. I was wondering, would you consider at some point making a tool that would extract all payouts for the year and give them in a daily total amount? This would be invaluable for taxes. While I am ignorant of any of this, I figured that your code is somehow already pulling part of this as you have the lifetime rewards box already working. Maybe you could charge a fee for using it, like someone would send you x amount of Steem. Guessing many like myself want to stay ahead of the regulations and not have any headaches with the tax man and would be willing to pay for something like this.

Thanks for all the work you do. I use your web page every day and enjoy the display of votes and comments.

Thank you for supporting the comunity ! ! !
I am very happy with your tool ;)

Zwischenlinie-2 für Steem-Post 940x120.png
mit sonnigen Grüßen aus Andalusien

Don Thomas

Well done @steemchiller!
I only can't understand why the orderbook has the selling buying fields on both tabs, I mean if you "buy" Steem why would you use the selling field there?
Keep on the great work and thanks so much for your efforts.

When you buy STEEM you need to sell SBD and when you buy SBD you need to sell STEEM for it. Maybe I should change the labels and field order to make it a bit clearer. I will think about it when I find time in the coming weeks.

Yes, that's right. Maybe it's the labeling of "sell amount" field in the "buy" tab and the related field in the "sell" tab what confuses me. Don't know if this happens to other people.
I'm usted to think of pairs so when you buy you can set the amount to use of your current balance of the correlated pair. You cannot trade a currency pair if you haven't any currencies of a pair.

Edited: "You also need the market orders(selling, buying) book so you can select the price to buy or sell".

Hope I've managed to explain It better so It can be of some help.

You have my 100% upvote as always for the excellent work you put in to steemworld.

Search feature for older posts.

This would be a very handy addition.

I will always support this great platform. is the most valuable tool which gives us every detain and every information about our account. The tool you added seems very cool. Great job!

Dear @steemchiller, you do really great work with I think I will need weeks in order to find out what possibilities you have already created. Keep going. You've got my vote.

Still, in this pirate's humble opinion, the best tool in any Steemian's arsenal. Thanks fer all ye do, matey!

Keep up the fantastic work, I love using your website.

Thank you for all you do. I always have the steemworld tab open and refer to the info there many times throughout the day.
My vote is tiny but gladly given. The reminder helps a lot with that.

hello, thank you very much for the service! success on the platform and success with the steemit! regards! Namaste!

Thanks, @steemchiller, for all that you do for this community!

Thank you for your hard work on the SteemWorld tool.

We are brand new to SteemIt, and your tool has made it MUCH easier to get and overview on how SteemIt works

Your posts assist not only in understanding the inner workings, but how to obtain information tutorials. Another content thoroughly enjoyed, thank you for all your time and effort.

servus @steemchiller :-)

kurze frage, hat nix mit diesem post zu tun, aber beschäftigt mich seit einigen tagen!

wie kommt die massige diskrepanz zwischen meinen tatsächlichen SP und den author-SP zustande?

Screenshot_2018-10-14 SteemWorld ~ meins0815.png

LG - dankeschön!

Die Gesamtwerte summiere ich nicht selbst (noch nicht) und sie kommen genau so wie sie jetzt angezeigt werden von den Nodes zurück. Die Nodes unterscheiden dabei nicht zwischen STEEM und SBD, es wird also intern umgerechnet und als Gesamt-SP zurückgegeben. Es ist so gut wie unmöglich daraus die tatsächlich verdienten SP, STEEM und SBD zu ermitteln, daher wird in der Tabelle auch nur die Gesamt-SP angezeigt.

Sobald ich meine eigene Full-Node betreibe, werden dort die genauen Werte stehen ;)

alles klar - danke :-)

I suppot the @steemchiller work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Fantastic work, thank you and keep on going👌👍🤗

Thank you for your great work!!

당신의 노고에 항상 감사합니다.
I always appreciate your hard work.

Thanks for sharing your work with steemworld.

Thanks for your great Word!

Again great update @steemchiller, little biton the tech side but upgrade or update is always good I think. Cheers

I love your work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @steemchiller!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 5.954 which ranks you at #310 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 6 places in the last three days (old rank 316).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 223 contributions, your post is ranked at #88.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Try to work on user engagement: the more people that interact with you via the comments, the higher your UA score!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Perfect, greetings from Aztec lands

Thank you @steemchiller for your great effort !

You just planted 0.10 tree(s)!

Thanks to @germansailor

We have planted already 4700.36 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20487.38
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

RC is most important function and something express what you really deserved in this platform. Thanks for best effort in steemit.

Thank you. Your service is so clear and simple and easy to use. 100% upvote every time.

when you have a rest?

I just bought some sp delegation so now my vote is lil bit better but still not much. But because the steemworld is open on my device 24/7 i will always give my vote to support you!😉

Great service. Thanks man.

Thank you for your support dear friend @steemchiller.


perfect you are too good...

Thanks for the great platform...

thank you again for making this fantastic site called steemworld my friend. I can honestly say that steemworld makes every steem experience easier and you deserve the world for my gratitude of that keeping it free!

You get my 100% gladly! I love what you are doing! Thank you!

More support hopefully, thank again for your hard works @steemchiller