This post is intended to cover the server costs for SteemWorld.org and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für SteemWorld.org zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
One step forward, two steps back...
As always, it was a very busy week for me. In parallel to implementing the new Block Explorer I fixed a few bugs in my RC calculation logic and changed all API requests on the client and server side to use the new Condenser API. It's a bit disappointing to see that the available Steem JS Library is still a few weeks behind the important changes made in HF20.
Lesson learned: Build your own solution whenever it is possible or you will have to rely on others. Changing all my code to use DSteem instead would take too long and I want to make progress here. But I'm glad about what I have accomplished and as we know: Inspiration is important, but most important experience comes from 'learning by doing'...
Block Explorer now available
- Transactions, same layout as in Account Operations:
- Virtual Operations in a separate tab:
The reputation next to the account names is only being shown for already (on SteemWorld) cached accounts. I'm not sure, if I will change that in future, because it would require a huge amount of 'get_account' requests for larger blocks.
- Exporting blocks and virtual operations as JSON:
- Account Operations: A click on the transaction id or block number opens the Block Explorer in a popup and automatically filters the displayed data:
- The same goes for virtual ops:
- There is also a field for filtering the transactions of the opened block by text:
- Additional information for each transaction can be shown by clicking on the icon in the right:
- It is also possible to open the Block Explorer directly from an external link:
- Holding
while clicking on a block number or transaction id on SteemWorld will also open it in a new tab ;)
In the making
Improving the account refresh logic
Since the RPC nodes do no longer synchronize/return the account history and main account data in real time, I need to think about building and implementing a better solution. Maybe I can parse and store all blockchain data on one of my servers without having to rely on public node requests from the clients in future. I already do parse all blocks for some features on SteemWorld, but I do not have a solution for the account history yet. Would be great to store also the virtual operations, because that would enable me to have kind of a public node for my services without having to fulfil the huge hardware requirements for running a full steemd instance.
I will take a look at Steemit's SBDS (Steem Blockchain Data Service), because I think it could be capable of exactly what I need. I prefer to work with SQLite as it is really fast on SSD and requires no additional database service working in background. As I stated before, in my opinion it would be possible to deploy kind of an own Full-API Service on a 16 GB RAM machine with enough SSD memory available. That would be much cheaper than running steemd and is the only solution I can think of given my current monthly earnings.
Improving the Recent Posts Overview
Still not there, but I'm on my way...
Implementing different views (list, miniature, date) and a possibility to find / navigate to older posts in a more comfortable way.
Search feature for older posts.
RC costs calculation
- Display the number of available votes, comments, etc.
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Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
Much Love,