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RE: 30 days in Iran: The land of misleading stereotypes!

in #travelfeed5 years ago (edited)

Thank's @vibesforlife. ;) Are you from India? :O Which part if it's not a secret? I am dying how much I desire to go to India and just stay there for a while... Actually, it was in our plans, but we were forced by life to change it. Maybe it was not the right path for us back then, but I will come. Well, at least for a short period of time. :) P.S. Yes, she is cute... And very stubborn... :D Her ancestors were fierce warriors and sometimes you can see that in her eyes... :D You have made some interesting post. I started following you. :)


Heyaa :)
I live around Delhi - the capital. So I am in three cities Gurgaon, Delhi and Rohtak- all closely coupled with Delhi(capital city). India is a must visit once a lifetime - it is so different than the western countries. Oh yes Furious cute girlfriend - such a life adventure. Thank you for following, coming back here.

I really wish you visit India soon :)