Tree Tuesday Spring Blossoms
This is a post Is for Tree Tuesday hosted by @old-guy-photos, A challenge I enjoy both joining and seeing all the tree posts others share
I went out this weekend looking for spring blossoms and was lucky enough to find a few, I have done a post of some of the blossoms and have more to share but for this post I will stick with the theme and share some of the trees I found on my walk, the spring blossoms are just starting here and many are still bare but I found a couple.
Starting off with this shot of this tree in Front of our city hall with the lovely pink blossoms
Sony A7iii 26mm F10 1/60 Sec ISO 200
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And this one with white blossoms is just across the road from the Duckpond in another little green area by the river
Sony A7iii 32mm F5 1/250 Sec ISO 1125
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And this last one is also just across the road in another direction from the duck pond, the willow tree coming back to life with some lovely greens, and also I managed to get some reflections in the river
Sony A7iii 27mm F10 1/60 Sec ISO 500
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unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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